Troubled Times for The Chinese Toy Industry

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Introduction Contd..

The October 2007 recall was the latest in a series of Chinese toy recalls by toy companies and retailers in developed countries. Among the reasons given for the recalls were excessive levels of lead paint, loose magnets that could be swallowed by children, or other potentially serious problems.....

The recalls had a limited impact on toy sales in the US and the EU but they severely dented the Chinese toy industry's image in international markets.The possible long-term impact on its reputation, however, was only one of the many issues confronting the toy industry in China.With costs of raw materials and labor increasing, the toy companies were seeing an erosion in margins. Also, the growing popularity of high-tech electronic toys was a challenge to Chinese toy companies as they were not very strong in this field. Furthermore, even in the traditional toy markets, Vietnam and Thailand were beginning to pose a threat.....

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Background Note

Toys have had a prime place in Chinese society since ancient times. Folk toys made of wood, clay, and paper have always been very popular with Chinese children. Masks and clay figurines in the shape of animals have been found in the ruins of ancient Chinese habitations.The history of modern Chinese toys, however, dates back to the early 1900s. Around 1910, the first factories that made toys from tin were set up. Toy making in China started gaining momentum after the May Fourth movement8 in 1919.......

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